This site contains public data and statistics on various health topics. The data are intended to help you plan and improve delivery of services, evaluate health care systems, inform policy decisions, and aid in research. Other uses or disclosures are not permitted.
Maternal Health Dashboards
These interactive dashboards provide an overview of maternal health in Texas and are a resource for all Texans. The data supports decision making to improve the health of Texas mothers and babies.

The Maternal Health dashboard provides Texas data on maternal health topics, including maternal mortality, pregnancy planning, maternal mental health, and physical health factors.

The TexasAIM Quality Improvement Analysis and Outcomes Dashboard provides data on TexasAIM patient safety bundle implementation and outcomes.

The Severe Maternal Morbidity Dashboard provides Texas data on Severe Maternal Morbidity overall, by indicator, and by select demographics.

The Pregnancy-Related Mortality Ratio Dashboard provides Texas data on pregnancy-related mortality overall and by select demographics.
Infant Health Dashboards
These interactive dashboards provide an overview of infant health in Texas and are a resource for all Texans. The data supports decision making to improve the health of Texas mothers and babies.

The Infant Mortality and Morbidity dashboard provides Texas data on infant mortality, the leading causes of infant death, preterm birth, and low birthweight.

This dashboard provides Texas data on infant health topics including breastfeeding and safe infant sleep.

This interactive dashboard provides an overview of congenital syphilis (CS) surveillance in Texas. The data suppprts decision making to support CS prevention, program planning, and policy development.

This dashboard provides data on Texas live births including birth rate, teen birth rate, and select demographics.
Texas Respiratory Illness Interactive Dashboard
This interactive respiratory illness dashboard provides a resource for all Texans, including healthcare providers, local leaders, and public health jurisdictions to monitor respiratory illness trends.
Hospital Quality Indicators Dashboards
These interactive dashboards provide an overview of Hospital Quality Indicators in Texas and are a resource for all Texans.

This dashboard displays mortality indicators reporting the percentage of patients who died in the hospital after undergoing a specific type of surgery.

This dashboard displays potential complications that occur within hospitals and potential adverse events following major procedures.

This dashboard displays the quality of care of children under the age of 18.

This dashboard displays the amount of cases hospitals deal with that are connected to preventable diseases.