Congenital Syphilis (CS)
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Texas HIV/STD Surveillance Registry, Texas Vital Statistics Birth Registry,Data Description
The Texas Congenital Syphilis surveillance program collects demographic, clinical and risk related information on infants born to mothers diagnosed with syphilis during or prior to their pregnancy. This information is used to support CS prevention, program planning, and policy development. Syphilis cases are reported to the Texas Surveillance program from a variety of sources, including hospitals, private physicians, public and private clinics, counseling and testing sites, laboratories, and insurance companies, and other case registries (e.g. vital statistics registry). Data are presented by calendar year based on the infant's date of birth.Measure Information
Suppressed Data - Data are suppressed when the population denominator is <50 or the denominator is <2x the number of cases or there are fewer than 5 total cases. For more information on data suppression, please see DSHS' Data Release Policy.
Rates - Population denominators used to calculate rates of diagnoses are provided Texas Vital Statistics Registry and use the number of all births (live birth and stillbirth) for each demographic or geographic category.