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Maternal & Child Health


Pregnancy-Related Mortality Ratios

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The Pregnancy-Related Mortality Ratio Dashboard provides Texas data on pregnancy-related mortality overall and by select demographics.

Data Description

DSHS combines different data sources across many years to provide an overview of Texas maternal health. The data support programs and policymakers monitor trends and make decisions to improve the health of Texas mothers and babies.

Because of rounding, some numbers in figures, graphs, or written results may not add to the total amount. Data and results are based on the most recent data available. The dashboard is updated every two years.

Race and Ethnicity: Race or ethnicity information shown in the dashboard refers to the mother, not the infant. Women who identified themselves as Hispanic were classified as Hispanic regardless of race. Women who did not identify as Hispanic were classified as non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, or non-Hispanic Other. The non-Hispanic Other category includes Native American, Asian, or multiracial.

Age: Age information refers to the mother’s age in years at time of death.

Education: Education information refers to the mother’s highest level of education at the time of death. When this information is missing from the death certificate, it is substituted with information from the birth or fetal death certificate, when available. Women with an Associate’s degree or higher were classified as college graduates.

DSHS Campaigns and Initiatives

Learn more about what the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is doing to improve maternal health.

Additional Information

Texas Department of State Health Services (2022). Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee and Department of State Health Services Joint Biennial Report 2022, Updated October 2023. Retrieved from[Accessed August 9, 2024].

Texas Department of State Health Services (2020). Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Reiew Committee and Department of State Healh Services Joint Biennial Report, 2020, revised February 2022.

Texas Department of State Health Services (2018). Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Reiew Committee and Department of State Healh Services Joint Biennial Report, 2018.