
Birth Defects

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Data Sources

Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR), Birth Defects Epidemiology and Surveillance (BDES) Branch,

Data Description

Birth defects data in Texas are collected by the Texas Birth Defects Registry (TBDR) via active surveillance. The data presented in these visualizations include selected birth defects among infants and fetuses delivered during the most recent 5 years of data available (10 years for county data; 20 years for trends data) to women who were residents of Texas at the time of delivery.

Measure Information

Prevalence (rate) is the number of birth defect cases divided by the number of live births in a population during a time period, multiplied by 10,000 (i.e., cases per 10,000 live births).

Confidence Intervals are 95% for prevalence; this means that the confidence interval contains the true prevalence rate 95% of the time.

Average Per Year (count) is the number of cases or infants/fetuses during a time period divided by the number of years in that time period (e.g., number of cases or infants/fetuses over a 5-year period divided by five).

Percentage of Total Cases is the proportion of cases for a given birth defect that have a certain pregnancy outcome.

Additional Information