
Professional Nursing Education

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Admission, Enrollment, and Graduation trends, student demographics, faculty numbers and demographics, and program characteristics for Professional Nursing education programs in Texas

Data Source

Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies

Data Description

All data are obtained from self-reports from professional nursing programs on the annual Nursing Educational Program Information Survey (NEPIS) under the jurisdiction of the Texas Board of Nursing.

Measure Information

The survey reporting period is the academic year. It includes the fall term through the final summer term of the academic year. Programs that do not operate on an academic calendar report for the period September 1 through August 31.

Newly enrolled students are defined as those who were newly registered and enrolled as of the census date set by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Enrollment counts include all students enrolled in the program as of September 30 of the reporting year.

Faculty counts include all faculty members employed by the program as of September 30 of the reporting year.


RN = Registered Nurse

ADN = Associate Degree in Nursing

BSN = Bachelor of Science in Nursing

MSN AE = Alternate Entry Master of Science in Nursing

LVN = Licensed Vocational Nurse

EMT = Emergency Medical Technician

DNP = Doctor of Nursing Practice

DNS = Doctor of Nursing Science

ND = Nursing Doctorate

Related Links

Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies

Texas Health Service Areas

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