Tuberculosis in Texas
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Skip to Data SourceData Source
TB and Hansen's Disease BranchData Description
Texas Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance program, Texas Department of State Health Services (2019).
The TB surveillance program collects demographic, clinical, risk factors, and lab related information on people diagnosed with TB in Texas. This information helps us understand the overall health of the TB affected population and is used to support TB prevention, program planning, and policy development. TB cases are reported to the Texas TB surveillance program from 30 different reporting jurisdictions, including at the local, county, and regional level. Data reported on the TB report of a verified case form (RVCT) are sent to the Tuberculosis and Hansen’s Disease Branch.
The race category “other” includes, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
The data represent TB cases reported to the Texas Department of State Health Services surveillance program who were diagnosed through December 31st, 2017 and reported by June 30th, 2018. Data are presented by calendar year.
Measure Information
Data are suppressed when: (1) the population for the specific jurisdiction is less than 50 (2) there are fewer than five total cases or (3) the population exceeds twice times the number of cases. This rule only applies to visually discernable populations, such as racial, age or gender groups. Population denominators used to calculate rates of diagnosis are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and are current as of June 29,2019.