
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) 911 Run Times

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Uses EMS data to show total number of EMS in minutes for 911 calls, as well as runs by response time, scene time, total transport time, and total prehospital time metrics across statewide and trauma service areas (TSA) in Texas by year.

Data Source and Description

The data used for this visualization are Emergency Medical Service (EMS) runs reported to the Texas EMS Registry.

Measure Information

An EMS run is defined as a resulting action from a call for assistance where an EMS provider is dispatched to, responds to, provides care to, or transports a person. By law, EMS agencies must report runs within ninety calendar days of the date of call for assistance. To be included in this dashboard, incident state must be equal 'Texas'. The type of response reported must have indicated "911 response" and the transport method "Ground Ambulance".

Transport time and Total Pre-Hospital time further require indication of "hospital emergency department" or "hospital inpatient bed" for type of destination. Calculations were not made if required information was null.

Time calculations were made without dates to describe time precisely, therefore the maximum time interval will always be less than 24 hours. The registry has only been capable of collecting times in hours and minutes and reported times are not accurate when considering seconds.

Year specifies the year the incident/run occurred.

Additional Information

Texas DSHS Office of Injury Prevention: