
Texas School Survey of Drugs & Alcohol Use

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Uses data from the Texas School Survey to display drug and alcohol use and related attitudes among Texas secondary students (grades 7-12). Students are surveyed every 2 years.

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Data Source

Texas School Survey of Drug & Alcohol Use data by Public Policy Research Institute at Texas A&M University.


The Texas School Survey (TSS) collects self-reported tobacco, alcohol, opioid, and other substance use data from Texas secondary students every 2 years.

The TSS is a tool for decision makers, from the state-level to the local-level, to track trends in substance use among public school students, grades 7-12, in Texas, to base decisions and establish prevention strategies upon data. This visualization allows users to explore substance use trends.

Additional Information

Risk factors are factors that may increase the likelihood of students starting to use/misuse substances and of other behavioral health problems associated with use.

Protective factors are factors that may decrease the likelihood of substance use/misuse and associated behavioral health problems.

Further Reading