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Texas Hospital Data

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The dashboard shows utilization, charity, and admission data of Texas Hospitals. It also offers an interactive platform where users can apply filters to explore the data across various years.

Data Source

Joint Annual Survey of Hospitals-Annual Statement of Community Benefits Survey (ASH-ASCBS)

Data Description

The Hospital Survey Unit combines yearly data across multiple years from The Annual Survey of Hospitals and The Annual Statement of Community Benefits Standard (ASCBS) to provide an overview of Texas Hospitals. Texas law requires all state-licensed hospitals to submit aggregate financial, utilization, and other data each year to the Department of State Health Services (see Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 311, Subchapters C and D).

Data and results are based on the most recent data available.

Outpatient Visits: A visit by a patient who is not lodged in the hospital while receiving medical, dental, or other services. Each appearance of an outpatient in each unit constitutes one visit regardless of the number of diagnostic and/or therapeutic treatments that the patient receives. Total outpatient visits should include all clinic visits, referred visits, observation services, outpatient surgeries, home health service visits, telehealth visits and emergency department visits.

Emergency department visits: should reflect the number of visits to the emergency unit. Emergency outpatients can be admitted to the inpatient areas of the hospital, but they are still counted as emergency visits and subsequently as inpatient admissions.

Inpatient Day: (also commonly referred to as a patient day or a census day, or by some federal hospitals as an occupied bed day) is a period of service between the census-taking hours on two successive calendar days, the day of discharge being counted only when the patient was admitted the same day.

Average Length of Stay (ALOS): Average number of days a patient spends in the hospital.

Inpatient surgical operations: Count each patient undergoing surgery as one surgical operation regardless of the number of surgical procedures that were performed while the patient was in the operating or procedure room.

Outpatient surgical operation: Operations performed on patients who do not remain in the hospital overnight.

Related Links

Hospital Survey Unit | Texas DSHS