
Youth Suicides in Texas

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Data Sources

  1. Suicide rates for all ages - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centers for Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online].
  2. Number of and rates of youth suicides - Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Death Certificate Data, Vital Statistics Section. Prepared by Center for Health Statistics.
  3. Number of suicide-related calls to Poison Control Center - Texas Department of State Health Services, Environmental Epidemiology & Disease Registries. Prepared by Texas Poison Center Network (TPCN).
  4. Who’s at risk? - Texas Department of State Health Services, Center for Health Statistics. Prepared by Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).


  1. Youths are those under 25 years of age.
  2. Binge drinking is five or more drinks for males in one sitting and four or more drinks for females in one sitting
  3. Disordered eating refers to the percentage of students who tried to lose weight or keep gaining weight by going without eating for 24 hours or more; taking any diet pills, powders, or liquids; vomiting or taking laxatives; smoking cigarettes; or skipping meals (during the 30 days before the survey)

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